Marinara Pasta Sauce


Marinara Pasta Sauce

best marinara sauce from scratch - Marinara Pasta Sauce

Learn how to make Marinara Pasta Sauce. I have had a few people ask me lately “how do you make marinara sauce?” It is actually easy:

  • Saute onions and garlic
  • Add tomatoes and spices.
  • Simmer until you get the right consistency.
  • Serve with pasta

I will give more detailed instructions below on how to make Marinara Pasta Sauce with some pictures. You can use all fresh ingredients as well, you can also use organic ingredients. I will add tomato paste to give the sauce a fuller flavor and if I do not have any paste I will add a little tomato juice. You can also add other ingredients such as carrots or celery. Be creative and them leave a comment with how you made it and how it turned out.

This is another great marinara pasta sauce recipe and goes really good with spaghetti and meatballs. In this recipe I added mushrooms but you do not have to, the original recipe did not call for mushrooms, I just had some left that I wanted to use up so I decided to add them and it was really good. I also doubled the recipe so if you are wondering why the pictures look like there is more then what is called for that is why. With a family of six, two of them being teenage boys, I need to double a lot of recipes.

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  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 small yellow onion, finely diced
  • 2 to 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 (28-ounce) can whole peeled tomatoes
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Fresh thyme, basil, oregano, or other herbs
  • Parmesan cheese, to garnish, optional
  • Cooked pasta, to serve
  • Optional: Mushrooms
  • Optional: Tomato paste or juice


Step 1

Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in medium sized pot over medium-high heat. Add the onions and garlic and sauté until softened and translucent and slightly brown, about 5 to 7 minutes. Then add mushrooms if you are using them.

Step 2

Crush the tomatoes by hand or with a masher and add the tomatoes and their juices to the pot with the onions and garlic. If you are adding tomato paste or juice add it now. Add little juice at a time. It will make your sauce have a deeper taste to it.

Step 3

Add the bay leaf and fresh herbs. I add 1/2 tsp of each of the dried herbs thyme, basil and oregano to the pan with the sauce. If you're adding fresh basil, wait to add it until the end of cooking.

Step 4

Bring the sauce to a rapid simmer and then lower the heat to medium-low to maintain a gentle simmer. Continue simmering until the sauce is slightly reduced and thickened.

Step 5

While the sauce is simmering, cook the pasta, toss together a salad, or finish any other meal components.

Step 6

Remove the bay leaf and any herb stems (if using fresh herbs). Serve the sauce immediately over pasta with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. Leftovers will keep refrigerated for about a week or can be frozen for up to 3 months.

Instructions With Pictures

Step 1:

best marinara sauce from scratch ingredients best marinara sauce from scratch

Prepare the ingredients, chop onion, garlic and if your are using mushrooms chop them as well.

Step 2:

Heat oil in medium sized pot.

Step 3:

Saute onions and garlic then add mushrooms.

Step 4:

best marinara sauce from scratch

Combine remaining ingredients into pot, stir and simmer until desired consistency. I start with adding 1/2 tsp of dried thyme, oregano, parsley and basil. After simmering I taste the sauce and adjust the taste by  adding more herbs if needed. You may use fresh herbs as well.

step 5:

marinara sauce

Add sauce to pasta and toss to mix around. Serve with meatballs and top with Parmesan cheese. Also goes great with homemade Caesar salad.


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